My Story:
A friend of mine had very good results with Atkins last year. After talking to her about it, I decided I should give it a try. I was very unhappy with my body and knew I needed to do something. It took six months to lose the weight, and the hardest part was giving up the bread and pastries that I love to eat. But having all the choices of Atkins bars really helped. It takes a lot of will power, especially when you’re surrounded with friends and family eating those tempting foods. I just remember my goals and how far I’ve come. Keeping the end game in mind is the best motivation for me. And after dropping a few pounds, and realizing that it worked and was really not that difficult. It was easy to stick with. I never felt hungry or deprived. After losing the weight, I don’t hide under big clothes any more. I’m not afraid of social events or the camera like I once was. I am more confident and know I can accomplish anything if I put my mind to it! I love the strength I feel from being in control of my life. Food no longer controls me. I tell everyone about Atkins who will listen. And I can really empathize because I know what it’s like to fear failure. We don’t want to try something new because we’re afraid of failing. But I’ve realized that we learn more through those failures than through success. Success is easy. Picking yourself back up and getting back on track after failing is the tough part. I will live an Atkins-friendly life from now on. I know what to eat and how to eat. I know I can splurge occasionally and still resume a healthy diet. Atkins gave me the tools to be able to do that.
Favorite Atkins Friendly Food: I love the Atkins Dark Chocolate Royale shakes. I also love eggs, and on Atkins I can have eggs a variety of ways.
My Goals:
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