My Story:
When I started my Atkins journey, I was 44 years old at 298 pounds. My clothes were huge and I felt like crap. I couldn’t play with my kids because my back hurt, my knees hurt, etc. I had to do something because I was really depressed. Being a limo driver, the most strenuous activity is loading luggage into the trunk! I was the true definition of a couch potato! Around September I started looking at different diets but I’ve already counted points, did liquid, pre-packaged meals, etc. but on October 9 2014, I started the Atkins diet. It took me about 2 weeks to start feeling a difference, not in my weight or size, but ENERGY!! I wasn’t being bogged down by carbs and sugars anymore! I wasn’t slipping into my 2:30pm coma every day. Then the pounds started to drop and I was excited! I started buying smaller size clothes and that in itself was very exciting. Around March or April, I was already down 40 pounds and my family, friends, and clients were taking notice….IT FELT GREAT! When June rolled around, I basically needed a whole new wardrobe because I was down 50 pounds! I’m now in a size of clothing that I haven’t worn since I was 25 years old! I believe what really helped me achieve my incredible weight loss are the Atkins Bars! I’m a candy bar junkie….give me a snickers or peanut butter cup and I’m a happy man. Atkins Endulge line like PB Cups, Caramel Nut Chew Bars, or Atkins Trail Mix are so good you would never know the difference! Also, the egg sandwich is really good as well as the breakfast bars! I can take an Atkins Greek Blueberry Yogurt on the go with a coffee and it’s extremely satisfying! People often ask me, “How did you lose the weight” and I proudly say Atkins! I want to inspire people to lose weight with the only diet that really works…ATKINS!