My Story:
What made me begin Atkins was when I took my 2 young kids (Ages 7 &8 now) to the park. My daughter loves all animals from dogs to ants. This particular day she saw a man walking a dog and she proceeded to run towards him, which normally may not have been a big problem, but he was on the opposite side of the street. I called for her but she kept running and I couldn’t catch her. All I could do was scream and I truly believe at that moment, God stepped in and she stopped and looked at me. Normally she doesn’t hear anything, she only sees the animals. After that moment, I got scared and we immediately left the park. After that, I wouldn’t take them to the park and when I did, I forced my teenage son to go along in case something like this was to ever happen. Then, one day while sitting home watching TV, I saw the Atkins commercial and I got online and that’s where it all began. For me, this isn’t a quick fix but a way of life. Since then, I have gotten others to join Atkins. Although I’m not at my goal weight, I certainly am on the track to meeting it. Thanks Atkins.
My Goals:
To be healthy and lose weight so I am not limited to what I can do with my kids.