My Story:
I’ve struggled with my weight most of my life since early teens. It really took its toll on me and the way I lived my life. I had little to no confidence; I acted out in school because I didn’t want to be there because I was picked on so badly. After getting my GED I locked myself in my room and rarely left. I didn’t go to family gatherings or hangout with friends much. I played video games 24/7 and drank sodas and ate fast food. My room was disgusting-looking from all the cans and fast food bags.
One day at my friend Ryan’s house I decided to weigh myself I thought I was around 250-260 but as I stepped on the scale tipped over into the 300lb mark. 324lbs to be exact. It took everything in me not to break down and cry in front of my friend in that instance. I rushed home and told my grandmother we needed to get meat in the house so I can pursue the Atkins diet. My grandmother had wonderful success with it. In my first week I lost 9lbs and I was instantly hooked. It became an obsession to lose my weight. I lost my 166lbs in less than a year and honestly have never been happier in my life… and I owe it all to Atkins.
My Goals:
My goal is to continue to keep this weight off of me. I take dieting very seriously and also work out a ton to maintain my weight. I also want to help others achieve what I have already. In America weight is such a critical issue of everyday life, almost everyone wants to shed a couple pounds but they feel as if they can't. I want to show them they CAN!
How Atkins Helped Get Me There: Atkins didn't just help, they got me there completely. I mean I read the books followed the phases and BOOM! 166 lbs. were lost and I have Atkins to thank for that. I could never repay Atkins for what it has given me.