Mulled Wine Recipe

Net Carbs
Net Carbs
Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 30 Minutes
Phase: Phase 2
Difficulty: Moderate
Cook Time: 30 Minutes
Phase: Phase 2
Difficulty: Moderate
* Any adjustments made to the serving values will only update the ingredients of that recipe and not change the directions.

How to Calculate Atkins Net Carbs
Atkins Net Carbs = Total Carbohydrates – Fiber – Sugar Alcohols/Glycerin (if applicable)
750 ml Red Table Wine
1 tbsp Orange Peel
1 tbsp Xylitol
1 tbsp Erythritol
For this recipe you will need the following whole spices: 2 star anise, 3 allspice berries, 2 whole cloves and 1 cinnamon stick.
- Combine the wine, spices and xylitol and erythritol in a sauce pan. Heat over medium high heat until it boils then reduce to a simmer. Simmer for 20 minutes. Strain out spices when serving, serve warm with a piece of orange rind. Makes six scant 1/2 cup servings. Optional: Add 3 cups sugar-free cranberry or other sugar-free drink mix (make according to package directions with water) to the recipe. Each serving size will not change nutritionally as long as a no-calorie drink mix is added... but the serving size will increase to about 1 cup each. Serve warm in a crockpot.
- Make the Mulled Wine Cocktail! See recipe section.
Cooking Tip
Why not have friends over to enjoy this drink! Update the serving settings above to reveal the required amount of ingredients you’ll need.