Athletes benefit from Low-glycemic meals
If you’re a baby boomer or even if you aren’t, you’ve probably heard that the best way to get ready for exercise, particularly exercise of long duration—such as a 10-mile run—is by loading up on carbohydrates. Even today, many dietitians continue to recommend eating pasta before an event to fill muscle stores with glycogen, based Read More
Ask the Nutritionist: What are Sugar Alcohols
Q: What are sugar alcohols and how do they impact Net Carb count? A: Many low-carb products are sweetened with a form of sugar called sugar alcohols. Sugar alcohols come in the form of ingredients such as glycerin, mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol, erythritol, isomalt, lactitol and maltitol. Sugar alcohols provide a sweetness and mouth feel similar Read More
AC Nielsen reports big trends in health for 2006 – Low-Sugar Products
The second trend noticed by Nielsen has to do with glycemic control, long a key concept of the Atkins Advantage program. As readers of this website know, the glycemic index measures how quickly certain foods release carbohydrates into the body, raising levels of both blood sugar and insulin. The control of this mechanism by eating Read More
10 Reasons Why Sugar is Bad for Your Health
Effects of Sugar on the Body: Symptoms & Side Effects of Too Much Sugar The cornerstone of the Atkins lifestyle is limiting carbs—the compounds that make up the sugars in foods. But why is that sugar bad for you? We’re letting you in on some of the secrets behind the effects of carbohydrates that convert to sugar Read More
Why Essential Fatty Acids are Essential
Once you’ve decided on an appropriate basic vitamin and mineral formula, this other vital nutrient group should be part of your supplement plan. Ever wonder why your doctor advises you to take one baby aspirin a day? It’s because it thins your blood and helps it flow more easily through your veins, carrying nutrients to Read More
Want to Extend Life?
Getting the most from your calories by choosing nutrient dense foods high in protein, fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats is a great health strategy, no matter what your goals. What about counting calories? There’s been a recent spate of articles in the popular press about the life-extending effects of reducing calories. Calorie reduction Read More
Vitamin C Could Reduce Inflammation
New research has suggested that higher intakes of vitamin C could cut the level of markers for inflammation by an astonishing 45 percent. What is inflammation? In its simplest form, inflammation is the body’s response to a perceived threat– whether it’s a splinter in our finger, sunburn at the beach or a sprained ankle. So Read More
Vitamin C and Diabetes
A new study has added to the growing amount of research showing that vitamin C- as well as a high intake of vegetables and fruits- may have protective effects against diabetes. This makes more than a little intuitive sense- after all Diabetes is a disease marked by a good amount of oxidative damage- damage done Read More
To Protect Your Liver, Take Five
This hard-working organ is essential to life itself and must function properly to ensure good health. Five supplements can help keep your liver healthy. Your liver weighs 3 pounds, stores minerals and vitamins, metabolizes fats, carbohydrates and protein, produces energy, manufactures proteins the body can use for repair and growth and regulates use of fat Read More
The expanding list of benefits from the miracle nutrient, CoQ10
What essential nutrient for the heart is not a vitamin, nor a mineral? It’s CoQ10, technically known as a ‘ubiquinone’ because of its ‘ubiquitous’ distribution throughout the body. CoQ10 is found in every single cell, concentrated in particular in structures called the mitochondria. The mitochondria are the cell’s headquarters for energy production and fat burning Read More