My Story:
I have been battling obesity for fourteen years! Last year I really got motivated when I couldn’t play with my son for more than fifteen minutes without getting extremely fatigued. I figured that he deserved more from his mommy, and I deserved to get healthy and happy for myself. I had tried Atkins before, but I would lose motivation and quit. This time I did my research and found different foods and recipes that made me feel like I wasn’t being deprived! Whenever I craved something with a high carb count,I would find an Atkins or low carb alternative. I looked at it as a lifestyle change and not a diet, and here I am 70 pounds lighter in only 7 months. The Atkins lifestyle has changed my life! I feel like time is being reversed. I look younger, feel younger, and am healthier Than I was in high school! Atkins for life!
Favorite Atkins Friendly Food: My favorite Atkins food is zucchini lasagna!
My Goals:
My goal was to get healthy and lose weight so I could have energy to play with my young son. Last summer he would ask me to play with him, and I'd get tired really fast. After losing 70 pounds in seven months, I feel amazing!! Now my son has to keep up with me!
How Atkins Helped Get Me There: Atkins helped me get there by keeping me energized and feeling full from all of the good fats and proteins that I was eating everyday. Being in a state of ketosis helped as well! The foods that I ate put me into ketosis, which made my body a fat burning machine!! And the energy I had with this way of eating made it possible to keep active and completely reshape my body!!